"There sister, do you not see that round arm, that curve of hip and bosom, those red lips and that soft hair which streams in the breeze. Do you not see those eyes; deep pools of tenderness and compassion." But I know he did not see them for he saw only me.
For two years he lived in me, and I thought we would be one forever, but the world would not permit it. The day came when he looked at me with doubt, and seeing only external appearances, said 'your beauty fails' we cannot live together! Not knowing that my beauty and his soul were one, he rejected me for another. So for twenty years I was chained and bound and the world did with him what it liked, until the day came when he sickened of the world. As his sickness grew my strength grew with it until at last I burst my bonds and stood again before him, and he knew that I was more beautiful than ever. He saw that I had the beauty of God, the beauty of music and of nature, that I had the beauty of all women.
I took him up into me and he was, at last, at peace. I said to him “Go into the world and seek others like you and tell them what you have found tell them not to grieve because they are what they are, for those who seek beauty seek Me, and I am in all of them."
"reject the over-
So I must finish this letter by saying to my sisters masculine betrayers of life, reject that which itself rejects beauty, think with your heart and not with your head, and then one day you and I shall be one."
Sound Familiar?
"The young men dress like women children now love luxury, have bad manners, contempt for authority, show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up their dainties at the table, cross their legs and tyrannize over their teachers."
-Socrates (467-400 B.C.)